Yuchen Fan

Yuchen Fan

Artificial Intelligence Student

Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications


I am currently pursuing my undergraduate degree in at Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications. I am interested in Artificial Intelligence, espeicially NLP and LLMs. I have several research experiences in Tsinghua University around LLMs and I am finding a PhD position. For further information or collaboration opportunities, feel free to reach out to me at yuchenfan48@gmail.com.

  • NLP
  • LLMs
  • Evaluation
  • B.E in Communication Engineering, 2021-now

    Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunicatons

  • Visiting Student, 2024.4-2024.8

    Westlake University

Recent Publications

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(2024). Evaluating Generative Language Models in Information Extraction as Subjective Question Correction.


(2024). Untangle the KNOT: Interweaving Conflicting Knowledge and Reasoning Skills in Large Language Models.



Algorithm Intern
July 2024 – August 2024 Beijing China

Responsibilities include:

  • Leading Quantitative Evaluation of Creativity of LLMs
Westlake NLP Lab
Visiting Student in NLP
April 2024 – August 2024 Hangzhou China

Responsibilities include:

  • Research about Long Form QA
Center for Collaborative & Conversational Intelligence, Tsinghua University
AI Researcher
November 2023 – June 2024 Beijing China
Focusing on the Evaluation of LLMs and Long Context Generation.
Knowledge Engineering Group, Tsinghua University
AI Researcher
October 2022 – October 2023 Beijing China
Focusing on the Information Extraction and Evaluation of LLMs.
Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications
September 2021 – June 2025 Beijing China
Communication Engineering Undergraduate


If you want to contact me, free free to contact me at any time